Tag: AJ

Media and Web 2.0, Tweet and print

In the media world, the overlap between conventional print publications and internet-based communications continues to grow. This doesn’t just mean that broadcasters or publications have a website; an increasing number are now adopting Web 2.0 tools and techniques – blogs, discussion forums, RSS feeds, Twitter, bookmarks, networks, etc – to find new levels of engagement …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2009/01/media-and-web-20-tweet-and-print/

Emap Construct titles to move?

Like some of my counterparts at rival UK construction collaboration vendors, I have enjoyed working with one-time marketing director (now strategy and development director) Ross Sturley and his colleagues at Emap Construct, publisher of trade papers Construction News, New Civil Engineer and Architects’ Journal (among others) and past organiser of ‘project extranet’ conferences. I was …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2007/07/emap-construct-2/