Tag: Lend Lease

RIB launches second-generation ProjectCentre: iTWOcx


RIB rhetoric is focused on combining ERP and collaboration, but it’s not the only vendor eyeing this AEC opportunity. Talking with Milton Walters of 4Projects‘ Australian partner, ProjectCollaboration last week, I noted that things appeared to have gone quiet at its Sydney-based competitor ProjectCentre following the acquisition of this cloud-based construction collaboration provider by Germany-based …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2013/06/rib-launches-second-generation-projectcentre-itwocx/

Dome Connect and iSnag

London-based project commissioning management consultancy Dome Consulting offers two related software products. It says its Dome Connect software is used for project collaboration, BIM management, snagging and defect management, commissioning management, and operation and management (O&M) manuals. It also offers a mobile snagging and defect management tool, iSnag, which “leverages the powerful functionality of Dome Connect,” …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2013/01/dome-connect-and-isnag/