Apologies to anyone affected by recent downtime at ExtranetEvolution.com (and my other sites) on two days last week and earlier today. Last week’s outages (on Tuesday and Thursday) were due to problems in migrating my sites to a new server at my hosting provider, while this morning’s was due to a problem with an updated …
Tag: outage
Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2014/12/recent-extranetevolution-outages/
Oct 29 2007
Website woes
Last week was a bit of a nightmare. The main BIW corporate website, www.biwtech.com, suddenly became unavailable due to a server problem at the hosting company used by our website designer (important note: the production servers delivering BIW’s collaboration applications are, of course, totally separate – with a different company, Attenda – and have remained online throughout). The hosting company …
Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2007/10/website-woes/