Tag: owners

Howdy, Howzee

At Be2camp@WorkingBuildings last month, I met Tuomas Saarelainen who told me to have a look at his Helsinki, Finland-based company Mobimus and its service howzee.info – which I have just done. It is an intriguing concept, but currently only sketchily described (and with no website screenshots to give some idea of what the service looks …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2009/11/howdy-howzee/

Who needs Auto-PDF?

AECcafe.com has details of a new application that automatically converts online construction data such as RFIs and submittals to downloadable PDF files, “increasing convenience and enhancing security for architects, contractors, owners and developers” (or so claims US-based software vendor Construction Communicator). The news release says the PDF file format “is particularly valuable when traveling, when …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2009/02/who-needs-auto-pdf/