Tag: Vodafone Mobile Click

Still keeping an Eye on Woobius

I met up with Bob Leung from Woobius a couple of times last week (including at the launch of StickyWorld‘s Collaboration Cafe at London’s Building Centre – pwcom post), and he updated me on progress with Woobius Eye (see post). Now honoured with its own website, the latest stage of Woobius Eye’s development was the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2010/03/still-keeping-an-eye-on-woobius/

Woobius wins £23,000 at PICNIC

I wrote again about Woobius a couple of weeks ago, noting that its real-time mobile collaboration solution, Woobius Eye, had reached the final of the Vodafone Mobile Click 2009 competition. Last Friday, in a Dragons Den-style appearance before judges and a 200-strong audience at the PICNIC social media event in Amsterdam, Woobius finished third, beating …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2009/10/woobius-wins-23000-at-picnic/