Testing Flock blog tool

For some months, I have been a happy user of Microsoft’s Live Writer as an offline blogging tool and have been using the Flock browser. Now – and partly because fellow blogger Phil Clark at ZeroChampion has become a Flock user – I have started investigating how well Flock’s built-in editing tool works with my blogging service.

It doesn’t have all the bells and whistles of Live Writer, but it’s not bad – I like the web clipboard to drag-and-drop text, links and images that I might use in a post (useful if you’ve saved something while browsing). Signing into TypePad wasn’t as intuitive or seamless as I would have liked, but I got there in the end.

Flock itself is a great browser if you’re into Web 2.0, with its easy integration with Facebook (Facebook set for major facelift), Twitter (see post), Delicious, RSS feeds, webmail, etc. It’s quickly become my standard browser for several regular web tasks.

Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2008/05/testing-flock-b/

1 comment

    • Evan Hamilton on 19 May 2008 at 5:30 pm

    Hey Paul,
    Thanks for giving our Blog Editor a try! I’m glad you found it useful, though I hear you about the limited features. If you’re looking to make your blog editor extremely powerful, I highly recommend the BlogPlus extension for Flock. You can get it here: https://extensions.flock.com/node/11538
    Evan Hamilton
    Flock Community Ambassador
    evan at flock dot com

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