Buzzsaw Mobile launched

You wait for ages and then two come along at once…. Like London buses, two mobile collaboration applications for iPhone have been launched this week. In the same week that SaaS construction collaboration vendor Aconex launched its Aconex Mobile (post), rival provider Autodesk has announced the release of its Autodesk Buzzsaw Mobile app designed for iPhone and iPad. According to today’s news release, the app provides Buzzsaw users “with more secure, remote access and exchange of building project information,” and “enables users to view DWF files, standard office documents and images, as well as upload project photos to a designated Buzzsaw project site.” Rick Rundell, senior director, AEC strategic technology, Autodesk, says:

“Buzzsaw Mobile helps deliver on our Autodesk BIM 360 vision for ‘anywhere access’ to project data. Together with Autodesk VaultCollaboration AEC software, AutoCAD WS mobile app and Autodesk Navisworks software products, Buzzsaw Mobile helps provide building, infrastructure and plant project teams with a complete and more accurate digital view of their project, with access to information across the project lifecycle from wherever they need it — the office, the web, or the field.”

Given that other competitors such as Asite and Sword-CTSpace have already launched iPhone apps, I wonder if vendors without them (say, 4Projects and BIW – post) might just be feeling they need to catch-up?

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  1. […] 2011) Aconex and Autodesk both launched iPhone/iPad apps, Aconex Mobile (post) and Buzzsaw Mobile (post) respectively, following on from earlier announcements from Business Collaborator (December […]

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