Tag: iPad

Construct.pm delivers mobile project management

Construct redlining

London-based Construct.pm provides some real-time messaging alongside its core mobile construction project management workflow tools, and offers far more than the usual snagging tools. With only a short time to spare to walk round the exhibitors at the Digital Construction Week show (post) in October, it made sense to arrange follow-up calls with some of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2015/12/construct-pm-delivers-mobile-project-management/

Going APE

APEmobile annotate

Australia is fertile territory for mobile construction technology businesses. APE Mobile is a Perth, WA-based start-up automating contractors’ paperwork requirements. It’s a familiar story. Experienced construction professional wants to use a mobile device; tests some examples and finds none of them do what he thinks is necessary; decides to develop his own mobile software instead. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2014/10/going-ape/

GoReport latest to deliver RICS reports via iPad

RICS licenses another mobile technology provider, GoReport – this time to support Homebuyers Surveys. Some 13 months ago (25 March 2013), I wrote about Belfast, Northern Ireland-based mobile technology provider GoReport, among others, and almost exactly a year ago (25 April 2013) I reported on North Shields, UK-based vendor Kykloud and its RICS-approved mobile survey …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2014/04/goreport-latest-to-deliver-rics-reports-via-ipad/

BIMx Docs – some overlaps with BIM+

BIMx Docs section viewing - from AEC bytes

In her latest AEC Bytes product review, Lachmi Khemlani reviews Graphisoft’s recently launched BIMx Docs app for iOS devices, comparing it to the earlier free BIMx app. Graphisoft is a Hungary-based international subsidiary of Nemetschek, and is best known for its ArchiCAD design software. Having yesterday looked at the parent company’s BIM+ offering, which includes …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2014/02/bimx-docs-some-overlaps-with-bim/

bim+ launches free BIM starter edition for teams

BIMplus visualisation

Nemetschek’s bim+ cloud-based open building information modelling, BIM, service, launched in Beta in November 2013, now has a no-cost starter edition for small teams. The Munich, Germany-based company says a professional edition will be available soon. The free Team Edition (5 projects, 5 users, 5 GB storage) connects architects, engineers, building managers and owners as well …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2014/02/bim-launches-free-bim-starter-edition-for-teams/

Basestone targets engineers and SMEs with mobile review tool


Basestone, a tablet application developed by London start-up BlueRonin, enables cost-effective mobile engineering drawing review. The architecture, engineering and construction market for mobile solutions is expanding rapidly. As I wrote earlier this week (2014: year of AEC mobile?), existing software developers are augmenting both conventional and SaaS applications with mobile tools for site-based activities, while …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2014/01/basestone-targets-engineers-and-smes-with-mobile-review-tool/

Kykloud gains ISO 27001 certification

UK based Kykloud is the first cloud-based building surveying and asset management software vendor to gain ISO 27001:2005 certification. North-east England based Kykloud has announced that it is the first cloud-based building surveying and asset management software vendor to gain  ISO 27001:2005 certification. This is the internationally recognised standard for information security governance, and provides …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2013/08/kykloud-gains-iso-27001-certification/

4Projects: 4Mobile. Looking forward: for Android

4Mobile Directory Screen shot

Last week’s announcement of a new mobile app by Viewpoint Construction Software’s subsidiary, the UK-based SaaS construction collaboration software developer 4Projects, was apparently distributed earlier than planned. There was, therefore, a few days delay before I could talk to 4Projects VP and general manager and Viewpoint SVP Strategy & Corporate Development Matt Harris about the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2013/07/4projects-4mobile-looking-forward-for-android/

From 4Projects: 4Mobile

Sunderland, UK-based SaaS construction collaboration technology vendor 4Projects, has announced the release of its first app, 4Mobile. The app is free to download for current 4Projects customers on an Apple iPad or iPhone (an Android app will be released later this year). Mobile project team members will then be able to access and share 4Projects …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2013/07/from-4projects-4mobile/

From property viewing to post-occupancy reviewing (updated)

Why stop at creating apps to sell luxury homes, when all built assets could have an online owner’s manual and feedback loop? Working in technology for the construction and property sectors, I have long been interested in the use of mobile tools and applications, and the industry’s enthusiasm for apps shows no signs of abating. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2013/06/from-property-viewing-to-post-occupancy-reviewing-updated/

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