In the UK at least, we are coming up to the time of year when some construction software vendors start thinking about the Construction Computing Awards (the so-called “Hammers”). As I wrote in July 2015, when last year’s call for nominations opened, I have long been a somewhat sceptical observer of this event, seeking greater clarity on the criteria …
Tag: apps
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Aug 28 2015
Clark Construction deploys Kahua
Clark Construction group, one of the largest general building and civil contractors in the United States, with revenues of over US$4bn per annum has been working with Scott Unger’s construction Platform-as-a-Service specialist Kahua (July 2015 post) on a major business process and workflow reengineering project (news release). Clark embarked on a study of its business processes with the …
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Jul 13 2015
Kahua: pushing PaaS in construction
Platform-as-a-Service allows developers to create apps that can be employed on a core system. In construction, Asite’s doing it in the UK; Kahua is attracting investors in the US. The global construction market is huge, sprawling and, in many countries, immensely fragmented. Thousands of businesses start up and die every month, and even in a …
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Apr 15 2014
Newforma extends mobile and cloud functionality
Newforma, once mainly known for its on-premise project information management, is extending its mobile and cloud construction collaboration offerings. New Hampshire, US-based construction software vendor Newforma has today announced three new mobile apps, plus an update to an existing app, to improve on-site project information management for users of its on-premise Newforma Project Center (release …
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Mar 17 2014
Asite announces Adoddle 17
London-based SaaS construction collaboration technology vendor Asite is officially launching version 17 of its cloud-based platform at a user group conference and ‘Hooley’ being held at Shoreditch Town Hall in London’s ‘Tech City’. I will be live-blogging highlights during the day (and tweeting; hashtag #Adoddle17 – see also Storify stream). I got an early update from …
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Jul 11 2013
From 4Projects: 4Mobile
Sunderland, UK-based SaaS construction collaboration technology vendor 4Projects, has announced the release of its first app, 4Mobile. The app is free to download for current 4Projects customers on an Apple iPad or iPhone (an Android app will be released later this year). Mobile project team members will then be able to access and share 4Projects …
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Jun 14 2013
From property viewing to post-occupancy reviewing (updated)
Why stop at creating apps to sell luxury homes, when all built assets could have an online owner’s manual and feedback loop? Working in technology for the construction and property sectors, I have long been interested in the use of mobile tools and applications, and the industry’s enthusiasm for apps shows no signs of abating. …
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Feb 27 2010
Maybe there’s a SaaS for that?
Writing a “ten construction IT trends” feature for a UK construction publication this week, I found myself reflecting again on tablet PCs (partly stimulated by the launch of Apple’s iPad), and on the rise and rise of smartphones. I found myself asking: why focus on downloading ‘apps for this and that’ when you might be …
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