Tag: Safesite

“Top 10 (US) Construction Apps”

Tsheets Top 10 Apps

In the UK at least, we are coming up to the time of year when some construction software vendors start thinking about the Construction Computing Awards (the so-called “Hammers”). As I wrote in July 2015, when last year’s call for nominations opened, I have long been a somewhat sceptical observer of this event, seeking greater clarity on the criteria …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2016/06/top-10-us-construction-apps/

More SaaS and mobile AEC apps

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Recent Twitter follows have led me to look at a few new – to me – names in the SaaS and mobile construction applications world: BIMcollab – Netherlands-based Graphisoft (ArchiCAD) and Solibri reseller Kubus specialises in building information modelling solutions in Europe’s Benelux region, promoting OpenBIM and IFC workflow solutions, including BCF Manager – BIM Collaboration Format (BCF) …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2015/01/more-saas-and-mobile-aec-apps/