BLL 2012 launched

Nearly four years ago, I first had a look at BuildLondonLive, and – after a two-year hiatius – its champion, UK-based construction collaboration technology vendor Asite, is organising another 48-hour virtual design collaboration competition next month, 21-23 May 2012, this year hosted at the Royal Institute of British Architects in London.

As before, the event showcases new technologies for how buildings are designed and how different stakeholders can be engaged in the process. Using cloud-based collaborative working platforms, and relying on information published in interoperable formats, the event is open to world-wide participation, and will coincide with a BuildingSMART International event in London.

This year’s event is prominently branded with the ‘Open BIM’ logo. The BuildingSMART ‘Open BIM’ initiative, backed in the UK by Constructing Excellence and by vendors Tekla, Graphisoft and Nemetschek Vectorworks (all BLL headline sponsors, while Synchro – headed by former Asite CEO Tom Dengenis – is a Silver Sponsor) was announced last month. Registration as a participant or observer is free.

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  1. […] following its organisation (and platform provision) for BuildLondonLive (2008, 2009 and 2012) and BuildQatarLive (2012) is now supporting BuildSydneyLive 2013 in October,  another 48-hour […]

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