The free BIM viewer offered by Danish SaaS construction technology developer Dalux has been upgraded to allow commenting to support collaboration. Dalux, the Copenhagen, Denmark-based mobile and Software-as-a-Service construction technology provider, has upgraded the free desktop building information model (BIM) viewer tool that it first launched in 2016. Dalux CEO Torben Dalgaard (right, who co-founded …
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Sep 14 2018
Vectorworks underlines its open BIM credentials
Design authoring tool specialist Vectorworks adheres to the Nemetschek-wide policy of ‘Open BIM’, and, in addition to its inbuilt webviewing and cloud services tools, offers some integration to third party ‘common data environments’, CDEs. Interoperability remains a major challenge for many construction IT users, with single vendor proprietary file and data formats vying with more …
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Sep 22 2017
It came from out of Space: Warboard
Space Group’s Warboard offers BIM model issue management, potentially helping teams not using a more fully featured common data environment, CDE. Newcastle, UK-based architectural services business, Space Group (which includes Space Architects, consultancy BIM Technologies, and BIM object provider, and promotes the BIMShowLive events) has been developing its own cloud-based BIM collaboration software, called Warboard. …
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Jun 30 2017
Collaborative BIM developments
I visited the National Infrastructure Forum exhibition and conference at London’s ExCEL earlier this month and talked to staff on a couple of the technology vendors’ stands. Both the conversations focused on BIM and collaboration…. 3D Repo I have talked to people from London-based 3D Repo at various BIM events in recent months (and wrote …
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May 24 2017
Growing Viewpoint continues BIM push
Viewpoint Construction Software continues to grow its EMEA revenues, with BIM a strongpoint for customer adoption, says Steve Spark. Ahead of the Viewpoint Construction Software UK user conference in London this week (24-25 May), I met up with Steve Spark, Viewpoint’s EMEA commercial director, to hear what the company planned to share with its customers …
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