Tag: Solibri

New-look nima underlines UK focus on information management

Audience at the nima-sponsored Digital Construction Hub at UK Construction Week

The UK BIM Alliance’s change of name to nima and its focus on whole life information management should also encourage wider thinking about long-term easy access to and use of information.  It is now just over a month since the UK BIM Alliance publicly launched its new identity, becoming ‘nima’ (see the official announcement). The …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2022/11/new-look-nima-underlines-uk-focus-on-information-management/

Reality capture, BIM and AI – Imerso, XYZ Reality and PointFuse

Nemetschek has led a financing round for Norway’s Imerso, whose platform combines reality capture, AI and BIM – areas also targeted by UK players XYZ Reality and PointFuse. Having invested in June 2021 in Sablono (post) [Update: and in July 2021 in US-based AI developer Reconstruct*], Germany-based Nemetschek Group has led a financing round  [financial …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2021/12/reality-capture-bim-and-ai-imerso-xyz-reality-and-pointfuse/

Xinaps presents Verifi3D at AU London

Dutch company Xinaps demonstrated its new Software-as-a-Service BIM data validation product, Verifi3D, for the first time at Autodesk University London. Dutch company Xinaps presented its new Software-as-a-Service BIM data validation product, Verifi3D, at the Autodesk University event in London (18-19 June 2019). While Verifi3D is set to be officially launched at Autodesk University in Las …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2019/06/xinaps-presents-verifi3d-au-london/

Vectorworks underlines its open BIM credentials

Vectorworks Nomad image

Design authoring tool specialist Vectorworks adheres to the Nemetschek-wide policy of ‘Open BIM’, and, in addition to its inbuilt webviewing and cloud services tools, offers some integration to third party ‘common data environments’, CDEs. Interoperability remains a major challenge for many construction IT users, with single vendor proprietary file and data formats vying with more …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2018/09/vectorworks-underlines-its-open-bim-credentials/

Steve Spark expands on Viewpoint results

Viewpoint video grab

On 19 October, I interviewed Viewpoint’s Steve Spark about the SaaS vendor’s 2016 results and about prospects for 2017. At Digital Construction Week in London last month, I conducted a short video interview with Steve Spark, commercial director of Viewpoint’s EMEA business. In it, I asked about the company’s recent financial performance – which saw EMEA …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2017/11/steve-spark-expands-on-viewpoint-results/

Collaborative BIM developments

Bluebeam logo

I visited the National Infrastructure Forum exhibition and conference at London’s ExCEL earlier this month and talked to staff on a couple of the technology vendors’ stands. Both the conversations focused on BIM and collaboration…. 3D Repo I have talked to people from London-based 3D Repo at various BIM events in recent months (and wrote …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2017/06/collaborative-bim-developments/

BIM Assure: cloud-based model checking

BIM Assure

In the upFront.Zine, Ralph Grabowski has a great article about a cloud-based BIM checking service, BIM Assure. The feature was written with Marty Chobot, VP of marketing at the system’s developer, a startup called Invicara with offices in Michigan in the US, India and Singapore. The application was also reviewed recently by Lachmi Khemlani in AECbytes. I won’t steal the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2016/08/bim-assure-cloud-based-model-checking/

A BIM R&D funding opportunity for SaaS vendors

UK SaaS construction collaboration technology vendors may take advantage of collaborative funding opportunities opened by a new Technology Strategy Board competition for collaborative R&D funding called “Digitising the construction sector”. The call complements an existing competition to create a digital tool for building information modelling (brief), and also supports the UK’s current BIM initiative. It …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2014/02/a-bim-rd-funding-opportunity-for-saas-vendors/

4Projects joins BIM forces with Solibri UK

Solibri logo

4Projects, the Sunderland, UK-based SaaS collaboration technology provider (and subsidiary of Viewpoint Construction Software), has announced it is partnering with Solibri UK, the British outpost of the Finland-based software company that provides BIM model validation, QA and interrogation software. The news release says the partnership will: “provide the UK building and construction markets an end-to-end BIM …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2014/01/4projects-joins-bim-forces-with-solibri/