Tag: BuildOnline Global Ltd

BuildOnline’s UK downward drift

Partly out of historical interest, I continue to monitor the company reporting of BuildOnline, a construction collaboration technology vendor which is now part of the French-owned Sword Group, today trading as Sword CTSpace and offering a portfolio of products from former offerings BuildOnline, Citadon and, more recently, Cimage. BuildOnline (UK) Ltd’s Annual Report and Accounts …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2009/09/buildonlines-uk-downward-drift/

BuildOnline UK revises past performance

New figures available from the UK regulator, Companies House, show that BuildOnline UK, the UK-based construction collaboration vendor that is now part of CTSpace, waived a substantial debt prior to its 2006 merger with Citadon. It appears BuildOnline also substantially overstated its revenues for four years. However, the business was still operating at a loss …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2008/11/buildonline-uk-revises-past-performance/

CTSpace sold for just £6.5m

Further to Tuesday’s post about the former BuildOnline construction collaboration technology business, I have been piecing together more of the corporate changes leading up to Sword Group‘s acquisition of CTSpace. In the process, I have found a reference to the amount paid by Sword to acquire CTSpace in December 2007 – which, in view of the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2008/03/ctspace-sold-fo/

BuildOnline revisited

In the absence of any updates regarding Sword Group and its recently-acquired construction collaboration technology business still branded as CTSpace (formerly known as BuildOnline and Citadon, formerly known as Cephren (formerly known as BlueLineOnline and E-bricks) and Bidcom, which also incorporated Cubus – and that’s just the short version!) or even a new website (see post), …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2008/03/buildonline-rev/