Tag: Power of Information Task Force

Show Us A Better Way – finalists

I have blogged before about the Power of Information Task Force (a UK Cabinet Office initiative) and its Show Us A Better Way competition, which attracted 100s of entries. Well, The winners shortlist has been announced in the Guardian (see also the Free Our Data blog), and the ultimate winner will be announced on BBC …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2008/11/show-us-a-better-way-finalists/

A bit of a Web 2.0 day

I spent a fair chunk of yesterday looking at and talking about various Web 2.0 applications, mash-ups and events. It was all started by reading an article on the BBC website, Government launches data mash-up. This led me to look at FixMyStreet.com, an officially-sanctioned project from MySociety.org that allows UK residents to report vandalism, abandoned …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2008/07/a-bit-of-a-web-20-day/