ExtranetEvolution.com: the 2011 numbers

In April 2011, I migrated the ExtranetEvolution blog from TypePad to a hosted version of WordPress (post), and I have just been reviewing annual statistics for the site for the first time in two years (in fact, since my 2009 review).

The year to 31 December 2011 was by some measures the best yet, delivering 59,416 page impressions (in 2009, I recorded over 45,000), and 23,746 unique visitors (down from a peak of 32,000 – though this may reflect my switch from TypePad stats to Google Analytics).

In terms of unique visits and most visited pages during 2011, my peak days all appear to be stimulated by events in Australia; they were:

On less controversial territory, other popular 2011 posts included:

Being focused on a few related niche subjects (AEC collaboration, SaaS, BIM, etc), this blog will never become a high-traffic site, but it has many hundreds of loyal readers (38% of traffic is from returning visitors) spread all around the world. Top countries were UK, US and Australia, and top cities London, Melbourne, Sydney and, er, Sunderland (hello, 4Projects!), and a growing number of visits (10%) were via mobile devices. Social media is also an increasingly effective source of traffic with 4% of referrals from RSS and another 4% from Twitter. As ever, I am grateful for the many encouraging comments and emails I receive.

Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2012/01/extranetevolution-com-the-2011-numbers/

1 comment

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  1. Thanks for the 2011 blogs Paul, looking forward to your 2012 incites.

  1. […] annual statistics from Google Analytics, and comparing the year’s traffic with that of 2011 (post). During the year, the blog delivered 82,936 page impressions (up over a third on the near-60k […]

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