Category: Legal

Building interoperability into local planning

Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: consultation

UK Government is aiming to make open, standardised data drive an improved local plans system. Legislation will ensure data is delivered in consistent formats, and make some data publicly available and reusable. In June, I attended a Manchester conference, Digital First (previously Digitech) – the Crown Commercial Service’s annual technology showcase. My presence at the …

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Interoperability code of practice for AECO technologies launched

Interoperability Code of Practice - cover

A new interoperability code of practice for technologies, developed in the UK by the GIIG, has been launched. As previewed in EE (13 April 2023), “Delivering Valuable Data: An Interoperability Code of Practice for Technologies in the Built and Managed Environment” was launched at the Institution of Civil Engineers in Westminster on 17 April 2023. …

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Prin-D: a CDE for CDM

Prin-D graphic

Prin-D targets firms acting as Principal Designer under the UK’s Construction Design and Management (CDM) health and safety regulations. Via a blog post by Imanuel Steele on the IET website (Tackling record-keeping challenges in the construction industry with technology), I learned about Prin-D, a Manchester, UK-based startup established in 2017 that has developed a ‘CDM2015 …

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AEC reliance on email remains high, Mail Manager research shows

Mail Manager graphic

Despite adoption of online collaboration platforms, continued parallel use of email can cause problems for projects if a dispute arises, says Mail Manager Over two decades ago, the first Software-as-a-Service construction collaboration platforms were launched, holding out the promises of a “paperless office”, “access anywhere anytime and on any device”, and “a single source of …

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Rethinking construction contracts – blockchain, video?

IBM Blockchain slide

Could new digital technologies such as blockchain or even video contracts take some of the administrative complexity and friction out of construction project delivery? Construction has long been a highly contractual and often adversarial and litigious industry. Its resistance to change (along with its learned friends in the legal profession) has perpetuated the reliance upon …

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ShapeDo targets dispute resolution

Construction disputes - length

ShapeDo’s visual comparison technology is proving particularly popular in dispute resolution, says CEO Ari Isaacs. In June 2017, I wrote about Israeli-based startup ShapeDo and its software that helps identify and manage design changes. ShapeDo’s software detects differences between drawings. It can be used constructively to help manage associated workflows (change orders, etc) and track the cost …

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ShapeDo: change management in the cloud

Ari Isaacs

Israeli startup ShapeDo has a powerful 2D drawing change identification capability to which it has added strong workflow management, making it an attractive contract change application. With most of the world’s construction industries still heavily reliant upon 2D drawings, Jerusalem, Israel-based start-up ShapeDo says it is finding a ready market for its software that helps manage design changes. …

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hasTalk boosts health and safety delivery

hasTalk - team report

Site-based health and safety training is not always delivered regularly, and individuals and companies may not keep detailed records of what training has been received. An online service, hasTalk targets these problems. In November 2011, I wrote about UK-based Darley PCM and its health and safety and e-tendering services. While the DarleyDoc branding appears to have been …

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think project! attracts new investment

In January 2017, TA As­so­ci­ates, a lead­ing global growth pri­vate eq­uity firm, an­nounced it has com­pleted an in­vest­ment in Munich, Germany-based think project!, a provider of cross-en­ter­prise col­lab­o­ra­tion and in­for­ma­tion man­age­ment soft­ware to the con­struc­tion and en­gi­neer­ing in­dus­tries. Fi­nan­cial terms of the trans­ac­tion were (unfortunately) not dis­closed. J. Mor­gan Sei­gler, a man­ag­ing di­rec­tor at TA …

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SaaS collaboration and cyber-security

PAS1192pt5 - cover

December 2016’s ThinkBIM in Leeds provided an occasionally frightening view of just how vulnerable the built environment might be to cyber attack. It also highlighted how SaaS collaboration platforms might also help teams apply more rigorous security processes. In May 2015, PAS1192-5 – “Specification for security-minded building information modelling, digital built environments and smart asset …

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