Tag: BIW

16 reasons why nobody yet dominates the construction SaaS collaboration sector

Despite widespread adoption of SaaS-based construction collaboration platforms and wider acceptance of SaaS, no company has achieved real dominance across any major regional, national or vertical AEC market. Why? [Warning: this is a longer-than-usual post!] By revenues and (notwithstanding recent restructuring) by manpower, Aconex is the biggest player in the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) based construction collaboration …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2013/02/16-reasons-why-nobody-yet-dominates-the-construction-saas-collaboration-sector/

Reflections on the 4Projects acquisition

Having had a couple of days to research and reflect on yesterdays’s announcement of Viewpoint’s acquisition of 4Projects (post) and to discuss it with industry friends, I thought I’d try to sum up a few strands. Deal background While Viewpoint CEO Jay Haladay was somewhat coy about the the funding and terms of the deal …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2013/02/reflections-on-the-4projects-acquisition/

UK exclusive: 4Projects acquired by US ERP vendor ViewPoint

Richard Vertigan

Sunderland, UK-based Software-as-a-Service construction collaboration technology vendor  4Projects has been acquired (for an undisclosed amount) by Portland, Oregon-based financial systems vendor Viewpoint Construction Software. Almost exactly a year after I talked to Viewpoint executives about their aspirations for the US enterprise resource planning software company (see ERP vendor Viewpoint viewing collaboration space), the 4Projects acquisition was announced to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2013/02/uk-exclusive-4projects-acquired-by-us-erp-vendor-viewpoint/

Dome Connect and iSnag

London-based project commissioning management consultancy Dome Consulting offers two related software products. It says its Dome Connect software is used for project collaboration, BIM management, snagging and defect management, commissioning management, and operation and management (O&M) manuals. It also offers a mobile snagging and defect management tool, iSnag, which “leverages the powerful functionality of Dome Connect,” …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2013/01/dome-connect-and-isnag/

Conject trading update, and a new blog

The latest conject e-newsletter hit my in-box yesterday, including news of the final post-acquisition transition of the SaaS collaboration vendor from BIW Technologies to conject branding (mentioned yesterday), its nominations in the Be2Awards (post) and Construction Computing Awards (post), and its sponsorship of Constructing Excellence‘s Awards. Trading update The e-newsletter also talks about recent trading, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2012/09/conject-trading-update-and-a-new-blog/

What’s the best AEC collaboration platform?

What is the best platform for construction collaboration? I have been asked this question twice this week on Twitter, and the answer is usually, of course, “it depends….” Do you want an on-premise solution, or something hosted by a vendor? Do you want a system that is cheap and simple? Something for a small team, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2012/09/whats-the-best-aec-collaboration-platform/

Nominations open for BE2Awards 2012, including best AEC collaboration platform


In January 2011 I wrote about the inaugural Be2awards: the world’s first awards for social media in the built environment (of which I am organiser). These are being held again, and remain distinctly social. Nominations for the BeAwards 2012 (which opened yesterday) are being crowd-sourced, and will be voted upon by the same crowd. The …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2012/08/nominations-open-for-be2awards-2012-including-best-aec-collaboration-platform/

A longer look at TrackerPlus

In January, I wrote about London-based environmental consultancy SouthFacing and its TrackerPlus online Software-as-a-Service solution to help BRE-licensed BREEAM assessors manage their workload. This week, I visited the company’s Islington offices and met Ben Cartmell to find out more about the application and its potential future direction. TrackerPlus is the latest design tool created by a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2012/05/a-longer-look-at-trackerplus/

Meeting McLaren, talking SaaS and on-premise


McLaren, now incorporating CTSpace, is building a compelling offer to owner-operators and EPC contractors wanting SaaS or on-premise collaboration, and adding AEC-specific experience to the proposition. Last week I visited the City of London offices of Idox plc to meet Tim Taylor, chief marketing officer of subsidiary McLaren Software, and talk about the business’s merger with …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2012/04/meeting-mclaren-talking-saas-and-on-premise/

New conject UK website taking shape

The new conject website went live earlier today. As noted on 22 March, the old BIW Technologies company name and associated branding is being superseded by group-wide use of the conject name to cover its SaaS project control and related collaborative solutions across all geographic markets (with the “plan-build-operate” life-cycle very much to the fore). Some …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2012/04/new-conject-uk-website-taking-shape/

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