Enhancing customer service is one area where many AEC firms could do better, and web-based tools can help support marketing and sales activities. Show Document and VeriShow I wrote about the SaaS generic design review application Show Document about 18 months ago. I didn’t devote much time to it from a construction perspective as it …
Tag: design review
Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2011/03/online-collaboration-for-marketing-and-sales/
Sep 09 2009
Following on from my post about design review applications, I received a news release from Israeli firm HBR Labs about a similar type of solution. ShowDocument Now is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)document-sharing application that includes dedicated ‘meeting rooms’, secure online document storage and mobile device support. It supports various document types, including Word, PowerPoint, PDF, text …
Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2009/09/showdocument/
Feb 05 2007
Design review tools
The past week has seen some blogging about design review tools from two of the AEC CAD heavyweights: Bentley and Autodesk. Bentley has announced (29 January) the release of ProjectWise Navigator – “the first visual collaboration client for design review and analysis plus work packaging that fully supports iterative workflows and reuse of all content throughout …
Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2007/02/design_review_t/
Dec 28 2006
CAD file viewers
I’d almost forgetten Whip! Most vendors of construction collaboration technologies (sometimes called ‘extranets’) will recommend third-party applications to use with their collaboration solutions in order to view, mark-up and comment upon CAD files. Among the pure collaboration vendors, only my employer, BIW Technologies, offers its own integrated file viewing technology, but I sometimes forget about the solutions …
Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2006/12/cad_file_viewer/