US research hints at growing investments by construction businesses in ICT, with strong interests in mobile and cloud-based technologies. Almost since I first encountered what we now describe as cloud-based computing in the construction sector (in 1998), I have been monitoring trends in its adoption and use. In the early 2000s, for example, construction businesses …
Tag: research
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Nov 06 2014
e-Business in construction survey
In various ways I have been involved with eBusiness in construction since the late 1990s (I’ve even written chapters of books about construction eBusiness), and the adoption of eBusiness technologies has grown considerably over the past 15 years. But many parts of the industry are still reliant on paper-based processes when it comes to many …
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Aug 05 2013
Help a UK construction collaboration researcher?
Hoa Binh Nguyen, pursuing an Msc in Construction & Project Management in the School of Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering at Queen’s University of Belfast, is researching the application of online collaboration technologies in the UK construction industry, including document management, project management, BIM, and social media-type tools. The focus is on effectiveness, barriers and the …
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May 11 2012
From email to BIM
In the past couple of weeks, I have delivered two presentations on BIM (building information modelling). The first was an overview of BIM to the Chartered Institute of Marketing’s Construction Industry Group (CIMCIG) at the Building Centre in London on 25 April. The second was yesterday to the Hertfordshire & Bedfordshire Constructing Excellence Club at …
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Jun 04 2009
E-business penetration of AEC industry
Having completed a PhD in the 1990s and got lots of support from people in completing questionnaires and doing interviews, etc, I vowed that I would return the favour when approached by other researchers. Ever since, I have supported numerous academics in their endeavours, and the latest is Star (Yongjie) Chen, a PhD research student …
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Jan 16 2009
Adults getting social
An item on, More Adults Jump Into Social Networking, caught my eye this morning (also discussed on the e-consultancy blog). It says: “Slowly but surely, adults are catching social networking fever” quoting US research showing that “four times as many adults were using online social network sites in 2008 than in 2005. That number …
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May 10 2007
Aconex researches FM needs
Australian-based construction collaboration technology vendor Aconex has undertaken some research into the information needs of facilities managers. The survey, conducted in partnership with the Facility Management Association of Australia (FMA), got responses from 555 individuals. You can read the full story here, but the headline findings are unsurprising for anyone working in the field of collaboration …
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