Almost two years ago, when I was helping (un)organise the first Be2camp ‘unconference’ event in London, the sustainability theme that underpins this built environment/social media advocacy movement attracted contributions from several people with an active interest in calculating and then reducing the carbon footprint of the architecture, engineering and construction, AEC, sector (we had talks, …
Tag: corporate social responsibility
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Jan 12 2009
Five 2009 resolutions
Reading PR Week magazine last week, I enjoyed a page of the “top five New Year’s resolutions made by the UK’s comms professionals”. Briefly, these were: Survive the credit crunch Embrace the digital age Win an industry award Find a work/life balance Invest more in CSR All pretty laudible, but I think the same five …
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Apr 04 2008
Site Waste Management Plans and collaboration platforms
In England, Site Waste Management Plans (SWMPs) will become a legal requirement this weekend – from 6 April 2008 – and will affect anyone procuring, designing, planning or managing a construction project costing more than £300,000, plus suppliers to the construction industry, and environmental regulators ie: local authorities and the Environment Agency. Awareness of the …
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