Duncan Mactear of 4Projects has forwarded me an article about [my former employer] BIW Technologies, published recently to subscribers to Megabuyte.com (an “invaluable source of market intelligence for IT companies, their advisers and investors providing in-depth coverage of the corporate and financial affairs of all of the UK’s leading listed and privately owned software & …
Tag: iScraper
Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2009/11/a-tough-year-for-biw/
Mar 09 2008
Investing in a dot.com/SaaS business: a history
In the late 1990s and into the first year or so of the 21st century, the dot.com boom say billions invested in new online ventures across great swathes of industry and commerce. The global architectural, engineering and construction (AEC) industry was no different. Millions were pumped into new start-ups by venture capitalists, business angels and …
Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2008/03/investing-in-a/