Changes at BuildOnline? (3)

It’s never a dull moment at BuildOnline – every few months, they move things around and change some job-titles. Having made a few changes in October 2005, then again in December, today we noticed from BO’s main website that Stuart Lander had lost his crown as the grand-sounding "President, Americas" (before that he was managing director, UK) and is now Chief Operating Officer. There now appears to be no BO bod presiding over the Americas (but the US website still has Stuart listed as President Americas – perhaps he’s having to do both jobs!).

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1 comment

    • Nick Bean on 19 May 2006 at 3:40 pm

    Just a quickie, trying to get hold of anyone at BuildOnline is also very interesting. Call the general enquires number and you end up with someones voice mail! Does this mean a shake up of the reception as well?

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