CE Avanti – ICT or not ICT?

The Avanti initiative is now part of the portfolio of initiatives managed by Constructing Excellence. The branding is a bit confusing. On the one hand, the logo subheading says "ICT-enabled collaborative working", leading one to think that there is some technological foundation, but the latest glossy brochure I have (distributed at a Building & Estates Forum steering group meeting last week) also says Avanti is "an approach", continuing:

"Avanti is not an IT system or tool, nor an organisation or club. Avanti is a method of collaborative working that delivers proven project and business benefits."

Some firms are already adopting the approach as their standard way of delivering projects, and CE is going to be promoting the Avanti approach more actively in the months ahead.

Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2006/10/ce_avanti_ict_o/

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  1. […] As a recently appointed member of steering group of Constructing Excellence‘s Building and Estates Forum, I am now well-placed to keep up with developments regarding the Avanti programme (see previous post). […]

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