One of the frustrations of using Google as one of my standard search tools is that it throws up thousands of potentially irrelevant results when what I am usually looking for is specific to the architecture, engineering, construction (AEC) and property markets. This is where vertical search engines – such as London-based start-up Memoori – could come into their own.
Rather than indexing millions of pages regardless of their subject matter, Memoori only indexes sites with industry-specific content relevant to the built environment. “This way we can deliver highly focused Web and news search results to industry professionals,” it says.
However, from a construction marketing perspective, I wonder about the branding: the proposition is clear but ‘Memoori’ doesn’t immediately associate itself in my mind with the AEC sector. And looking from a Web 2.0 perspective, wouldn’t it be good to include some kind of collaborative editing or tagging tools, a la Wikia?
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[…] August 2008, I wrote about Memoori (see AEC-specific search), and having since met the company’s founder Jim McHale a few times (most recently last […]