Last month, I wrote a blog post about the Go-Cam video snagging app. After giving it a quick test on my Samsung Galaxy S6 Android smartphone, I identified various issues with the service – to which the founder of Go-Cam, Tod Yeadon, has responded:
Preventing disputes with Go-Cam Video Reporting
As the founder of Go-Cam I was grateful for Paul’s feedback, hearing about user’s experiences (whether good or bad) will notify us of the problems we don’t always pick up on.
It was disappointing that Paul had a bad experience, however, all this feedback reminded us that (like all new releases) everything was not going to be without it’s problems from the get go. In response to Paul’s review, I have chosen to provide some feedback on Paul’s experience, the app’s teething problems and most importantly – point out the things which might have been forgotten.
The review was based on using the app on an Android device, we have got Apple devices working consistently now however, some Android devices (& browsers on viewing the report pages) are sometimes buggy, as is the case here.
The Android tests I have carried-out have worked fine, other than when the Report page is viewed in Safari which is struggling with video playback. I expect to see issues such as this appearing from time to time, there is such a wide variety of Android devices and browsers / O.S.’s, unfortunately we cannot test them all and tech bloggers generally understand this, particularly with first releases.
What we can do however, is ensure that all these problems are reported to our developers and I am positive that they will keep myself and the users updated on any disruption.
That said, Paul definitely seems to recognise the benefits of video reporting and implies that the app is a good idea, so if we can overcome tech shortcomings we can see that there is a positive message here.
The only other negative was a suggestion that the construction industry would not pay for the coms needed to use the app (in the absence of a good network connection) but that is not necessary as we have the “Unsent Report” where Reports are recorded and sent at a later time in the absence of an adequate network.
It’s interesting to note that 80% of our downloads are on iTunes, so it’s unfortunate that the particular Android set-up Paul was using is not one we have tested. There is definitely room for improvement and we will invite Paul to have another go at testing it once we have corrected the problems on our side. Until then, all feedback is good for first releases, so try out the app for yourself and let us know what you think.
1 comment
Reasonable answer, but ‘it works on Apple’ isn’t good enough, its easy to determine the top 5 android phones and tablets and they should be as well supported as the Apple devices. Outside of that then you can reasonably say Android is too widespread and diverse, that is true but that’s the bottom 10% of Android users…
As per the report from AndroidPit. Here are the list of most popular Android Phones in USA.
Samsung Galaxy S6/S6 Edge
Samsung Galaxy Note 4
Sony Xperia Z3
Nexus 6
LG G Flex 2
HTC One M9
Motorola Moto G (2014)
Huawei Ascend Mate 7
Moto X