Tag: forums

Asite Autumn 09 release

UK construction collaboration vendor Asite has issued its Autumn 09 Release, says a website notice dated 6 November 2009. Three hightlights I picked out: New maps “mash-ups” – using either a Google Maps portlet or a Microsoft Virtual Earth / Bing Maps portlet. The Virtual Earth portlet supports 3D visualisation, meaning users can render their …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2009/11/asite-autumn-09-release/

Beware of the Trolls (2)

Although I ceased contributing to Building magazine’s forums last month after being trolled (see post), I retained an RSS feed and saw that the problems were, if anything, getting worse. This was confirmed earlier today in a post, Forums – not fun, by Phil Clark, who has banned a couple of users and is now …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2008/11/beware-of-the-trolls-2/

Construction and Web 2.0

I attended a meeting of one of Constructing Excellence‘s Collaborative Working Champions groups yesterday, and one of our debates concerned discussing and communicating the benefits of collaborative working. Some of the group were surprised that related issues (for example: Egan’s recent speech) and themes (technology, people and processes) were already being discussed on social media …

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Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2008/06/construction-and-web-20/

Permanent link to this article: https://extranetevolution.com/2008/05/busy-week-at-bentley/