Tag: Yahoo

Microsoft: SaaS update

It’s difficult to avoid talk of Microsoft at the moment, what with talk of its (stalled?) bid for Yahoo (post) and recent falling profits; what interested me last week was news of Microsoft beginning trials of web-based Office, and its later Live Mesh announcement. Here’s a quick update…. Web-based Office According to the Times: Microsoft is poised …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/04/microsoft-saas/

Undersea hassles

Apart from what I call the Mihoogle (Microsoft/Yahoo/Google) situation (see previous post), software and internet issues also hit the mainstream media headlines last week following damage to undersea cables linking large parts of the internet. As BIW has expanded internationally, such problems have also affected our business: until Indian-based ISPs could reroute traffic around the Egypt …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/02/undersea-hassle/

Microhoo, Yasoft, Mi-hoo, etc …

Pity the poor analyst at Forrester Research who predicted last week that the wave of mega-acquisitions in the software industry was over for now (see InfoWorld article, for example), adding Microsoft will be ‘the least active’ in terms of acquisitions. Just days later, Microsoft announced a $44.6 billion unsolicited hostile bid for Yahoo (prompting suggestions of …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/02/microhoo-yasoft/