Munich, Germany-based SaaS construction collaboration technology vendor think project! grew its revenues 17% in 2013, achieving a turnover of €17.2m [£14.4m] (up from €15.5m [£13m] in 2013) by building on engagement with customers in the construction, energy and automotive industries, as well as local, state and federal government.
think project! GmbH, says it “continues as the market leader for cross-enterprise collaboration in the construction industry throughout Germany and Europe, and number two worldwide.” (Its European market leadership claim was disputed last year by Colin Smith, the then CEO of its fellow Munich-based rival, Conject – see Conject CEO reclaims SaaS second place – though it still lags behind Australia-based Aconex). To extend its international expansion, think project! says it will be establishing an Istanbul-based subsidiary to develop the market in Turkey.
During 2013, think project! added an Adobe PDF service to enable consistent digital approval cycles, while automatically print details such as signatures, status, etc. onto documents. It added a QR code-based Mobile Version Check service, and Mobile Capture (August 2013 post), a front end for smartphones and tablets to enable immediate capture of photos, videos and other documentation of defects and incidents at project sites. CEO Thomas Bachmaier says:
“We are progressing this Collaboration Cloud Strategy in 2014, currently working on additional services such as for Building Information Models (BIM), as well as new integrations to more comprehensively support our customers’ project work in the future.”
think project!’s international sales organisation includes branch offices, associated companies and partners across Austria, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Switzerland, Spain and Turkey. Its customers are drawn from 20 sectors, including general contractors, the energy and automotive industries, and its user base is over 100,000 users across 8,000 projects in 40 countries.
4 pings
[…] comfortably ahead of its fellow Munich-based AEC SaaS technology vendor think project!, which grew its revenues 17% to €17.2m in the same […]
[…] think project!, the Munich, Germany-based provider of the SaaS project collaboration platform by the same name, grew group turnover in the year to 31 December 2014 by 13% to €20m (see news release), up from €17.2m in 2013 (post). […]
[…] mainland Europe’s leading providers of online construction collaboration software services, generating revenues of €17.2m [£14.4m] in 2013, though it may also face competition from the acquisitive RIB Software, based […]
[…] competing mainly against Conject, and grew its revenues 13% in 2014 (post) and 17% in 2013 (post). It has been developing building information modelling (BIM) capabilities (launched in July 2015), […]