Tag: Be2camp


Over the past few months, sustainability has cropped up more and more frequently in my posts to this blog. To be honest, the topic has also been cropping up just as often within BIW Technologies [my employer] and across the industry. There are ongoing internal conversations within BIW; the company has also contributed to the …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/07/saastainabilitycom/

Sustainability Then

Sustainability Now was last week, so Phil Clark has been looking at the lessons learned (see my post). Overall, the two-day virtual event attracted 1,500 visitors and nearly 2,000 downloads of content ranging from video and audio to two live seminars, so from that perspective a pretty successful event. Phil agreed with me that in …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/07/sustainability-then/

A bit of a Web 2.0 day

I spent a fair chunk of yesterday looking at and talking about various Web 2.0 applications, mash-ups and events. It was all started by reading an article on the BBC website, Government launches data mash-up. This led me to look at FixMyStreet.com, an officially-sanctioned project from MySociety.org that allows UK residents to report vandalism, abandoned …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/07/a-bit-of-a-web-20-day/

How web 2.0 friendly is AEC ICT?

I have thinking a lot about Web 2.0 stuff today. Over and above my day job and my usual background Tweets, RSS and blog-watching, I have been trying to help move the proposed BE2camp event along (we now have a potential central London venue for the October event, with interest from contributors in the US …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/06/how-web-20-friendly-is-aec-ict/

Web 2.0 meets Built Environment – possible event

Some Web 2.0 enthusiasts, including myself, have started talking, Tweeting, wikifying and now blogging about a possible UK event where built environment people interested in Web 2.0 (and, equally, Web 2.0 people interested in the built environment) might get together and share ideas about synergies between the two worlds. Provisionally named BE2camp, the event would …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/06/web-20-meets-built-environment-possible-event/

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