4Projects NEC3 Manager may not (yet) have a highly-polished dashboard, but its NEC backing is helping push this young product forward. On Friday morning I attended a breakfast briefing in central London by software-as-a-service construction collaboration vendor 4Projects who were showing off their NEC3 Manager product to some prospective customers, plus a representative from the …
Tag: widgets
Aug 01 2011
4Projects promoting NEC3 Manager
- By Paul Wilkinson in AEC, Collaboration, Extranet/CDE, Functionality, Marketing, SaaS, Vendors
1 August 2011
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2011/08/4projects-promoting-nec3-manager/
Nov 30 2009
Rob Phillpot on Aconex, APIs and acquisitions
- By Paul Wilkinson in AEC, Business/Financial, Collaboration, Functionality, Future, Marketing, People issues, SaaS, Vendors
30 November 2009
Following my recent posts on Aconex‘s API announcement and its 2009 financial results, I spent 40 minutes quizzing Rob Phillpot, company co-founder and General Manager, Product, about planned developments of the Aconex construction collaboration system. It was a fascinating insight into the thinking behind the world’s most widely used SaaS collaboration platform. I was particularly …
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- Aconex, acquisition, API, Application Programming Interfaces, Asite, asset lifecycle, asset lifecycle support, audit trail, BIM, BIW, broadband, bug fixes, building commissioning processes, building information modelling, chat, conference calling, conferencing, construction collaboration, contract administration, cost control, Dubai, email, enhancements, file sharing, financial results, Francisco Partners, Google Wave, hand-over, heart valve, JCT, Kalexo, Martin Hosking, member forums, mobile apps, multi-media, NEC, online tendering, operation and maintenance, outsource, procurement, Product Voice, Project Extranet, real-time collaboration, Rob Phillpot, SaaS, Skype, test plans, UI, user interface, variations, video, Web Services APIs, widgets, workflow
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2009/11/rob-phillpot-on-aconex-apis-and-acquisitions/
Feb 19 2009
Out of the blue: LotusLive
- By Paul Wilkinson in AEC, Blogs, Collaboration, Functionality, SaaS, Vendors, Web 2.0
19 February 2009
About a year ago, I wrote a short post about IBM’s prototype Bluehouse product (see IBM targets SME collaboration with SaaS Bluehouse). Today at Public Service Events’ Construction Project Management ’09 conference at the Bridgewater Hall in Manchester, I had chance to get a quick update on latest iteration of that product from the team …
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- blogs, Bluehouse, bookmarking, Brendan Tutt, communities, Construction Project Management, Dogear, eWeek story, file sharing, Flickr, IBM, Kalexo, LinkedIn, Lotus Connections, LotusLive, Manchester, portal, Public Service Events, SaaS, Salesforce.com, Skype, Social Media, social networkingm, Software-as-a-Service, Twitter, Web 2.0, WebEx, widgets
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2009/02/out-of-the-blue-lotuslive/
Jun 06 2008
Construction and Web 2.0
- By Paul Wilkinson in AEC, Blogs, Collaboration, Functionality, Future, Internet, People issues, SaaS
6 June 2008
I attended a meeting of one of Constructing Excellence‘s Collaborative Working Champions groups yesterday, and one of our debates concerned discussing and communicating the benefits of collaborative working. Some of the group were surprised that related issues (for example: Egan’s recent speech) and themes (technology, people and processes) were already being discussed on social media …
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- blogger, Bloglines, blogs, collaborative working, Collaborative Working Champions, communication, Constructing Excellence, Del.icio.us, Digg, Egan, Facebook, feed reader, Flickr, Flock, forums, Google Groups, iGoogle, mash-ups, micro-blogging, Newsgator, people and processes, Piczo, PodCampIreland, RSS, Second Life, social networking, Twitter, TypePad, unconference, Web 2.0, widgets, Wikia, Wordpress, Yahoo Groups. Building magazine
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/06/construction-and-web-20/
What’s hot in Contech
In Extranet Evolution, Paul Wilkinson covers the latest developments in SaaS, mobile, BIM, and other software technologies in construction. He also co-presents the #contech video news show AECTechTV.
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